When you no longer peer through shop windows on your way to work. When you no longer need to ask where the aisle for baking soda is in a supermarket. When you can text as you walk and look up at exactly the point where you need to cross a road. When you can tell one cheese from the other without having to read the name on the label. When you know which washing liquid is only for hand washing clothes and which one you can use in a washing machine. When the frequently visited coffee shop barista knows what coffee you will order. When he also knows what kind of pastries you like and tell you when he has a fresh batch on offer. When you see the shopkeeper from across the street and wave good morning even though you don’t even know his name. When you have at least three “favourite” restaurants on your list of places you like. When you know which of the three cafĂ©’s near work has better latte vs better cappuccino. When you don’t hate ironing or doing dishes anymore because you just don’t let it pile up in the first place! When you don’t need music in the house to keep you company. The sounds of the street and the building are enough. And when you know which of those sounds is the lift, the garbage truck, the street washing truck and a pigeon flapping near your open window.
It struck me today that for the last few days I simply don’t use my iTunes playlist as something I simply can not live without. I like that. I am not the kind of person who is always surrounded by the sounds from a speaker or a television set. For 18 months in Mumbai I lived without a tv. I didn’t miss it. I don’t miss it here either. I was amazed at my capacity to sleep with music playing when I first moved here but now I can’t do it anymore. I am back to being normal me! Lolest (as Muna would say!)
And you know what is the best sign of having settled in? Using a quintessential Italian coffee maker to strain adrak wali chai! Hahaha… well I did and it worked. When in need you improvise. I did and I frankly now don’t think I need to go find that strainer afterall.
And on that note, I will take my fevered self to bed for now. And that’s the last sign of having settled in. Everytime I transplant myself to a new place I go through a bout hair fall, skin breaking out and then a nasty flu within the first few weeks. Always. It’s like the body reacting to and then finally accepting the new air, water etc etc etc blah blah blah… And that last bit is happening now! So ciao on that note. Hopefully I will wake up fever less and bright and shiney tomorrow.
And guess what. I came down with this on my birthday. What are the damn chances of that happening? In my case fairly high… Gggrrrrr
Lolest! :P