
The joke's on me. Again!

Yes, it is!
I find it fascinating just how do I always manage to land at the point called confusion within this circle of things I call my life. Before you throw the ‘circles are round and you always end up coming back to the same point’ analogy at me, allow me to say that I use the word circle for the lack of a better word. You know, circle of life kind of analogy etc etc. I am merely referring to a state of mind where the head is nothing but a muddle of slush.
And what really is sparking this newest onset of slushiness is something that is the really annoying bit. Just when you think all your plans are finally in motion, exactly how you wanted them to be, there comes along a bump and makes you subconsciously shift gears. And this time the gear shifting is of the itchiest kind. As much as I would rather not, I find myself thinking of things I have not yet considered. Listening to songs I usually don’t, staring at the phone and watching the watch. Constantly. And despite this new outbreak of idiocy there is that weight in the pit of the stomach that keeps bringing the head back to sense and reality. A routine conundrum you might say. Just that the first half of this is not routine. And has never been. At least not for me.
And now while I go figure what to do with myself, you may laugh. What are the chances that I will figure this out soon and in a predictable way? Well, for once, I don’t know.

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